Discover Our Europe project aims to fight against Euroscepticism in Europe by promoting a better knowledge of the European Union among citizens and by contributing to the development of an active European citizenship.
Because the European Union is a real asset for this continent, the project proposes to raise awareness and awaken the European conscience of European citizens.
Recent News
- Pannagiotis Armentzious, a Greek volunteer from Associação Sójovem in Portugal, gives us his statement about the benefits of Erasmus studies 23/06/2021
- “A ticket to Europe, a ticket to anywhere” by Pannagiotis Armentzious 23/06/2021
- International Conference – CBE (FR) – 5th to 7th may 2021 03/05/2021
- International Conference LET’S (re)DISCOVER OUR EUROPE – 25 & 26 march 2021 28/04/2021
Kick-off meeting in Aix-en-Provence with the partners !
To do this, we will organize in each of the countries of the consortium conferences and seminar on European Union themes, as well as workshops open to every citizens.
As the target is a European audience, the exchanges will be intercultural between citizens. We also plan to intervene in high schools to educate a younger public who is potentially more open to mobility.
As this project is affected by the pandemic, the conferences will be organized in a “hybrid” way, linking virtual and face-to-face participation.
DOE team
Claire Fernandez
CBE Sud Luberon Val de Durance
Daniel Pina
Franja Bucar
Drustvo Za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega Dela Novo Mesto
Alina Avadanei
Centrul de Incubare Creativ Innovativ de Afaceri
Yannis Konnaris
Municipality of Pegeia
János Palotás
Tudás Alapítvány
Ester Maestro
Florian Zappa